Getting back to life
It has been too long since I wrote a blogpost last. I have been meaning to do it for a long time, but stuff just kept getting in the way.
As you know if you have been following my journey, this past year has been a real rollercoaster, and I have been struggling to stay afloat. But I have kept my dream of riding my bike in front of me like a carrot.
It has now been 1 year since I had my accident, and it has been a long road to get to where I am right now.
Ever since I got out of the hospital I have been going to a Physio and PT to build my strength back up. I have not been able to use my stomach muscles directly, so I have been working on strengthening all the muscles around so that I don’t rely on my core so much. Progress has been slow, but I have felt that I have been getting stronger.
But the biggest issue is still my bowels. This may be too much information, but since I have ⅓ less storage space in my colon I have to use the bathroom a lot more often, and it is kind of painful some times. This is likely I will have to live with for the rest of my life so I just have to get used to it.
Normally it is not that big of an issue, as long as I have a bathroom nearby. But I have noticed that it has been a bit difficult when I am on the road. I've had to pull over and run into the woods a few times.
I was nervous about starting to ride again, but as soon as I got on the bike it felt like I had never left it.
I have spent the spring and summer getting back in shape and going on a few trips around Norway on my bike.
In July I had almost a month off work, and since I was not allowed to leave the country due to corona, I decided to ride around Norway and see some of the places I have wanted to see for years.
That was my very first longer motorbike trip by myself.
So I have decided to start off by traveling around Europe and/or going to North America instead. I have just started to look into all the logistics and stuff to ship my bike over the pond, and all the visa and import paperwork I need to do.
I still don’t know if it will be possible because of the way the world looks, but I’m hoping.
I am not able to go anywhere until I get my second vaccine dose, so until then I am just planning and working on building up this Ride the bean project.
I still don’t really know exactly what I want to do with it, but having it helps me have something to focus on so I don’t fall back into the darkness I was in a while a go.
I find it very difficult to be on social media. I have never really used any social media platforms before, other than just keeping in touch with people I’ve met. And I am so uncomfortable when it comes to posting anything there. Instagram and facebook is kind of a nightmare. But it does let me connect with people.
I would like to learn how to be better at it though. If anyone has any tips or want to teach me how I can best utilise social media then I’d appreciate all help I can get.
When I finally get to start my trip I want to share whatever it is I am doing on the road in an interesting way.
Although I have been very slow updating my website this past year, I want to do a better job going forward. So I will be writing more blogs where I try to share some more of my thoughts about what I am experiencing.
Thank you so much to all of you who have been with me this year and encouraged me to keep going. I am not very good at replying to people all the time, but I really appreciate it. You have all been a big motivation for me to keep going.